Retinopathy Of Prematurity

Eye drops are used to minimize the discomfort to your baby. even the babies sometimes cry when their eye are examined.

ROP screening is eye examination by a retina specialist to look for any signs of ROP. all prematurely born babies need at least one eye screening examination.

About an hour before the exam.,eye drops are put in the eye t make the pupil open widely so as to see the retina. the retina examine the retina of baby using a head band opthalmoscope. they may also use a speculum to keep the eye open and an indenter to enable better view of retina


ROP is common in premature babies. the condation may be mild many times and settel on its own but monitoring the eye is important.


No one knows exactly why, when a baby born early, the blood vessels of retina are not fully developed. after birth sometimes triggers the blood vessels to start grow abnormally and this forms scar tissue, which if severe can damage the retina.


The 1st screening exam. will be done when your baby is between 4 and 6 weeks old.


The retina is delicate tissue lining the back of the eye which detects light and allows us to see. ROP is an eye condition which effects the blood vessels of the retina.the white oval in the center is the optic and dark area toward the right is the macula , which allows to see fine details.


Intraocular Injection

1. The eye may be irritated with heavy tearing for a day or two,then comfortable thereafter. 2. Mild redness of the eye can be expected for the first 24 hours. 3. A red blood spot may be present at the site of injection (on the “white” of the eye). this may enlarge with time, then gradually fade like a bruise.


Call us immediately for: 1. Decrease in vision or distinct increase in “floaters” after the first 24 hours. 2. Increased or new pain, especially aching pain after the first 24 hours following injection 3. Increased redness,swelling or discharge from eye, especially after the first 24 hours following injection 4. Brief flashing lights visible in the peripheral (side) vision. 5. Dark shade progressing towards the center of your vision 6. New rash or hives


For many retinal diseases the only way to get medication to where it is needed is to give an injection into the eye. Eye drop and piles do not deliver a high enough amount f medication to the retina. injection are the most efficient and safe way to treating many diseases including wet macular degeneration.


Typically intraocular injections don’t hurt. The most common sensation is a slight burning sensation that is related to the antiseptic used to clean the surface of the eye


Retinal Vein Occlusion

Branch retinal vein occlusion and Central retinal vein occlusion


Retinal vein occlusion is a fairly common cause of vision loss. it is most common in people over the age of 60 and it seems to affect both sexes equally